Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sweet Treats

Last Friday Aidan and I made the trek to Michaels so we could pick up supplies to make these awesome treats. Then on Saturday I had a cupcake pop making party with Krissy and my mom. We had a blast making them, they were cute, and SO yummy!!

They are very easy to make, just really time consuming. I pre-made the cakes friday night and then we started makign the pops around 11, and finished around 2:00. That was with three people, one person rolling the balls, one/two people dipping, and one bagging.


Cherisa said...

Oooo! I've heard of these! They look great! Are they as tastey as they look? You'll have to share your secrets!

Missletoe said...

I have been thinking about trying these! They look so cute and yummy! ...too bad I am not up for hard work.