Sunday, December 27, 2009

Road Trip Cont.

We drove about 8 hours and found a place to stay at the end of SC. We had some Chinese food while we watched the Patriots beat NY Jets. We headed to bed early, and got up early again excited to finally be making it to the end of our trip.

We got to The Villages around Noon on Monday 11/23. Aidan was happy to see his grandparents, and even more excited to see they had a golf car for him to play on! All we have heard our whole time here is “Vroom, Vroom!” We hung around all day and did NOTHING! It was so nice to have nothing to do, and no more driving!

Tuesday we ventured around the landing and looked around at the shops, then we headed to the playground for some fun!

Wednesday we ate at Five Guys Burgers (Yum!) and went looking at golf carts, Aidan was in heaven!!

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