Saturday, January 23, 2010

friday randomness

Since we didn't do much during the day, other than our normal errands and stuff, I thought I would share some random pictures of Aidan being silly.

This actually was this morning, after the workout, he needed to put on his snow boots. Not to go outside but to watch tv. Watching tv is SO much better in boots!!
Every once in awhile he will grab a pillow and blanket and "pretend" to sleep on the bench in the kitchen. Sometimes I wonder where he comes up with tis stuff!
Top Chef! He is in love with his play-dough kitchen set. He's cooking up dinner!

The silliest picture of all...Elmo chair in sitting on a chair.

We are going out to dinner to our fav. mexican restaurant tonight with some friends.... Nana and Papa are babysitting Aidan...Two weekends in a row out alone... I don't believe it!!

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