Friday, October 16, 2009

Two year Check-up

Today was Aidans two year check-up.
This big boy is now 35" tall, and weighs 32lbs.
He got 2 shots, and a lead test today, and he didn't cry at all. The nurse was amazed that he didn't make a noise at all, and then when she was taking the blood for lead, he was so curious as to what she was doing.
The doctor said he is doing great. I did express some concern over Aidan's speech, so she gave us the number for someone to evaluate him. The doctor said she thinks he is fine, but I told her it would make me feel better to know if there is an issue, we didn't let it go.

After the doctors visit we went food shopping for Aidans birthday party then we hung around the house. I think I might be coming down with something...not good. and Aidan watched daddy winterize the boat. So sad the season is over already! It was such a short summer!

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