Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Catch Up

We are finally on the mend (crossing fingers). Aidan and I just finished up our antibiotics, and we are praying we do not get sick for a long, LONG time. Next time we go away to some place warm, we won't be coming back here until the flu season is over!

Things around here have been pretty uneventful, other than Mothers Day, which was great. It was actually more like Mothers Day weekend. =) We went out to dinner (without Aidan) on Friday night, then the next morning went to our favorite breakfast spot (Pogos). Sunday I woke up too a dozen beautiful hot pink roses and a bunch of magazines. My hubby knows me well!! I spent the morning reading the latest gossip, and fashion. Later we visited our own mothers and ate way too much!

For the past two days Aidan has woke at 4:30am, let's just say after two days of this...I am so exhausted right now! I tried to limit his nap today to only an hour, he got a little cranky late in the day, but if it keeps him sleeping longer, it is worth it! I think it has something to do with his naps. The past two days we have been pretty busy, running around and going to the gym and the park, so he has taken 3 hour naps during the day. We'll see if I am right.

We ended up running to Target for diapers and wipes today, so I picked up a cute sweater to wear for Friday. We are having Em babysit, and heading to hear Jens brothers band play, which should be fun! This weekend will be a busy one, Saturday I am supposed to be going to see "Angels and Demons" and then Sunday is Jill's wedding shower. Busy, Busy!

I did get to catch up on my DVR at 5am, and I watched Gossip Girl and the Biggest Loser. BL was great! So good to see Jerry won for the people that went home, he was the oldest contestant by far. Just proves that no matter what your age, you can change. I was happy to see any of the three left win, they all did such an amazing job! So inspirational.

Tonight is the LOST finale, I can't wait to watch that tomorrow!

(Aidan is 19 months tomorrow! Where does the time go?)


Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

I can understand the is so hard to handle sometimes, isn't it? Hang in there!

mom2cherreys said...

It was good to see you today, even though we didn't talk too much. Do you think the 4:30 am has anything to do with the fact that it is light outside! I know my kids have started getting up earlier, today I was up around 4:45 and it was way to bright for that early in the morning! Maybe some black-out shades?