Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sea World

My favorite place to visit is Sea World. We weren't sure how Aidan would react to it, if he would like it or have any interest at all in what he was seeing. But he surprised us and he loved it all.

You can feed the seals and sea lions. (We declined. Raw, smelly fish was not our thing.)

Dolphin Tank.

Manatee Tank.

Tired baby.
We saw the dolphin show, and the Shamu show. Both were really good, and Aidan kept pointing and babbling at them. In the Shamu show, Shamu was so big that when he swam near us or was coming towards us, Aidan would get scared and hide behind us.

1 comment:

mom2cherreys said...

I have to say that Sea World is my favorite place too! If my kids had to choose between Sea World or Disney, they would choose Sea World! I'm glad Aiden really enjoyed it.