Saturday, April 18, 2009

And we're off...

On April 1tth we headed down to Orlando, FL. I was very stressed about taking Aidan on a plane. He had already been to Florida once, but that was when he was 3months and slept the entire time! This time around he would be almost 17 months, and full of energy! When we got to the airport we went and got lunch, then Craig let Aidan run around the airport like a madman for about an hour before we boarded the plane. Aidan liked looking out the window to the men putting the bags onto the plane. Then we headed for the runway, and took off. And Aidan passed out! My prayers were answered and we had a great flight (with the exception of the little boy behind us) He woke Aidan up with about 45 minutes left in the flight so we brought out the laptop and watched Phineas & Ferb until we landed.

1 comment:

mom2cherreys said...

My kids would watch Phineas and Ferb ALL DAY LONG! I'm glad he slept for most of your flight. Looks like you had a fun trip.