Saturday, December 6, 2008

Farm Day!

(I forgot I had these on my camera!)

In October we went to Farm Day in Marshfield.

This was Aidans favorite part, he would not leave this cows side. He would cry if we tried to pick him up and carry him away. Luckily, the cow decided to come over and get a closer look at Aidan. Well Aidan was not too thrilled with that idea, and decided he had enough of the cow.

On the hayride.

Enjoying the band. Aidan felt they needed a drummer.

I swear Aidan is going to be a drummer in a band or something when he is older. He will find anything to use as a drum, and he rocks out. It is so funny!


Cherisa said...

Aidan looks very content in the hay! Cute!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Cute photos! It's so fun when you forget about something like that and then it's a great little surprise!