Sunday, June 1, 2008


I don't know if I liked Thursdays season finale or not. I totally knew that Locke was the one in the casket at the end, and that felt like a big let down. How about Hurley playing chess with a Mr.Ecko, that was a neat little twist. I'm am curious to see what happens with Juliette and Sawyer, they looked pretty cozy at the end, and also what "bad" things happen on the island after the "Oceanic 6" leave. What did Sawyer whisper, and is it the reason why Kate and Jack broke up? What is up with Claire?? I she alive, or not? And most importantly, who is the red head that came from the boat? The guy that can see ghosts said she's been there before. And why did he want to stay on the island? Ah, so many questions.

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